Sunday, December 1, 2013


    I was looking at a comic done by Ben Fleuter called Derelict and I was just very impressed by the artwork. There is a lot of detail in almost every area and I feel that most of the objects look realistic. The shading, color, rust (on some areas), the water, and the sky just looks right too me. I don't know how else to explain it.

In this story there is very little text. There was no text for about the first 10 pages, not including the text for "sound effects". When there was text, it was still like there was no text. The main character would talk very little. This comic seems to be more about following the panels and looking at the actions going on to follow the story. 

As far as the character design goes, it was good, but I feel like it could have been better. Especially after seeing how detailed and realist everything else looks. Though I can only imagine how difficult and time consuming it would be to draw the character with the same amount of detail in every panel that the character is in. Plus it helps the character stand out to have the readers perhaps look at the character and not just the background.

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