Saturday, November 16, 2013

Carciphona: vol. 1

    I came across Carciphona, done by Shilin Huang, and I just was very impressed by the cover art. Main reason why I like it is probably because I really like the manga art style. What I really also enjoyed was how the color and shading was done. I've colored in one of drawings before and it was difficult to get the shading and details done right but I still liked how it came out. This is something I wish I could do.

    When I went to the first and second page, the page was still in color and it read from right to left just like most manga. But because of the lack of panels and word bubbles, it was a bit hard to follow the text at first. but the art was still just as amazing. 

    I really thought the rest of this manga was going to be in color and just as detailed as the first two pages. I was a bit disappointed to see the the rest was in black and white but I am used to black and white more and still prefer over color at times. Plus I can see that it would be too much work and more funding needed to do the whole manga in color. 

    I still really enjoyed looking at the black and white pages. They were still really detailed. The shading and toning was well done. Since I still prefer to do my drawings in black and white, this is the way I wish I could tone and shade my drawings. When I was working on my comic, I found it difficult to tone it the way I wanted it to look. But I still liked how it came out and hope to get better at it.

    I really like how the panels were also done, especially with the thick lines making some panels pop out more. These type of panels make the comic/manga a bit more interesting to look at, but can be hard to follow at times depending on the size, angle, and positions of the panels. The panels on my comic were simple and boring, but I also didn't wan't to complex things for myself and wanted it to be read straight forward. There is also a lot of variation of thin and thick lines on the characters, and objects/buildings which I thought was great.

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