Monday, September 16, 2013

DC comic contest

    When I first read the original DC submission request page, I really didn't think much about what they were asking for. I just figured they want to see what art works they get and who's good at portraying what they want. But after reading Jezebel's article and what others thought of the contest, I can see why the contest is bothersome. The whole suicide thing is bad as it is, but putting a popular or favorite character to commit it, or try to, can be disturbing to many. I get that the purpose of the contest is to see what talent people have and hire someone new to work for them, but they could have easily have the content for the panels be completely different. It just seems now to me that they have a different purpose other than giving someone the chance to work for them, though I have no clue to what that could be. I still don't personally care so much of what the art content is since I see it as not being real, but to someone else it may be and that does bother me. It would worry me to see that type of art work hurt someone emotionally or even bring someone out to do those acts. Especially if they may be having those types of thoughts. The contest is a great idea, but they should really consider how people may react having to draw or even just see that type of content.

1 comment:

  1. So have you thought any more on what DC's motivation may have been for having the contest if not to identify new talent? If the suicide is problematic what about how they are sexualizing the suicide?
