Sunday, September 29, 2013


     As I was looking through some comics online, I have been paying a bit more attention to the backgrounds to see what there is. For example, if there are buildings around, if there are trees, or if the characters are in a room, how does the room look and what is in the room. Some have more detail than others and some just don't really have backgrounds at all. I came across a comic called Gaia done by Powree and Oliver Knorzer and I was basically drawn to it by the cover.
I really like the character design as well as the simple background. The sky in the back with the faded mountains just looks neat to me and I really love how the grass and the two rocks on each side were done. Sadly I still wouldn't be able to do this. I'm pretty bad when it comes to backgrounds and surroundings. When I try to think of a background to do, I over think it and tend to make things complicated for myself. I end up wanting to jump into drawing detailed backgrounds even though I have no idea where to start. I do realize that I should take a few steps back (maybe a lot more steps back) and start with simple and less details.
     When I went to the next page I didn't expect to see this: 
      I am just really impressed with how that whole image in that one panel came out. And here I thought this comic wasn't going to have this much going on with backgrounds and surroundings. The perspective is well done. I'm still trying to get the whole perspective down, but it is still difficult for me and I just don't really have the patience for it. I have a lot more respect to those who do this kind of work all the time. As much as I hate having to work with perspective, I know it's something very important to know in order for my own drawings to be accurate and more interesting. I can't always rely on someone else doing backgrounds for me all the time (as nice as that may be). 

1 comment:

  1. But keep looking at comics like this for inspiration! You're exactly right that you just need to keep at it. The backgrounds will start coming together. Find a good book on perspective and do some more practice but until then, just see how far you can push your skills where they are at now.
