Sunday, October 6, 2013

Daniel Clowes Exhibition

     I finally got to go to The Museum of Contemporary Art to see the exhibition of Daniel Clowes. As I was walking around looking and reading his comics that were on the wall, I wasn't sure if most comics there were just short stories or only a page of a story. Most of what I was reading just did not make sense to me. Either that or I just didn't get the joke (if there was one). After reading a few and seeing that I was just clueless on what was going on in the comic, I just began to focus more on the art work. But it was difficult not to read them since many of the comics of his has a lot of text in them and then I also want to know what's going on. I couldn't follow what was going on with the images alone. From what I saw, most of his comics probably rely on telling the story more through text than images. Don't get me wrong, the images do help also. I just felt like some had a bit too much text. But I'm sure it must have been necessary in order to know the whole story.

     Now I hate to say this, but I just didn't really like most of these comics mainly because of the character style. I'm not sure how to explain it, but I found most of the characters a bit disturbing to look at. It might have been that some characters had a bit too much detail on their faces, like too many lines for wrinkles or the body proportions were just awkward. It just made the character look way much older than he/she probably is. I thought I took a picture of one at least, but I must have just lost interest in the comic right away and moved to the next. Now, I didn't say all were weird looking. There were still quite a few that I still enjoyed to look at. The inking in all of them was very well done as well. I payed more attention to that than I normally would since we are going to work on inking our comics soon. When I was practicing with the pens, I felt like I would over think of what I am about to ink. I felt i had to be super careful. I see it as if one mistake is done, it all has to be redone. Though hopefully that is not the case. Perhaps there is a more simple way to fix it rather than to do the whole page again. Anyway, I found two short comics of Daniel's that I really liked. (mainly because I thought they were really funny)

The first one is Wilson, "Cute Dog". I really like how simple this one is. There isn't a lot going on in the background but just enough to know that they are not in the exact same spot. The second one is Wilson, "Ocean". Just like the first one, the background is simple. Though it isn't detailed either, there is still enough to see where the character is at. I'm not sure why I get more into looking at the simple comics, but it might be that I would rather do simple drawings like these. Yet, I still don't think I can put something like this without references. I still have a lot to work on.

1 comment:

  1. I think Clowes takes pains to not make pretty people. Even though they're comics he wants to give us a slice of life, as gritty as it may be. Since you were having trouble reading the pages, did you find the books scattered about to read? What does Clowes say about the art on the walls vs. the book?
