Monday, October 28, 2013

AME-COMI Girls 4

    When I first looked at the cover for this comic, it just caught my attention right away. It might have been because of all the colors, but mainly the look of the characters. They had this really cartoon feel to it and I wasn't sure why at first. When I opened it up and looked through it, I noticed that the characters' outlines were thick and figured that is why I got that cartoon feel to it.

     There is a variation of thin and thick lines, but I notice more solid lines and especially the outline around the characters. I'm sure that it's not just in this comic. I figure I am just noticing the lines more since we have been working on inking our own comics.

    Like in the image above, the lines are thicker when the characters are closer/larger. This is probably one of my favorite pages from this comic. I really liked the noticeably thick and thin lines. The lines seem to be more bolder than what I have seen before. That or I am just noticing it in this one and just never payed much attention to the inking in the other comics.

    There are occasions where the lines are more solid around the characters and have to transition of thin to thick lines, but I actually like that as well just as much. After I went through the comics I went back to the first page and notice the names of the Writers (Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray) as well as the Artists (Eduardo Francisco and Derec Donovan). What I didn't know was that the first half of the comic was done by Francisco and the second half by Donovan. I didn't notice any difference in the art at first nor even after going back to see if I can spot anything. There might be something different, but I wouldn't probably notice it until someone pointed it out. The difference I did easily see was the look of the characters in the cover compared to the pages inside. (Cover done by Jonboy Meyers). Though the character look slightly different, I really like the style and probably would have enjoyed the comic more if were to have been drawn the same as the cover.
      The color (done by Wes Hartman and Randy Mayor) and shading was also done well. I notice some comics just have to much dark areas even when it's not a dark scene, and I just don't care for that since I like seeing the details of the whole character. It just hides a lot of parts when there is a lot of black, but I sure it must be necessary.   

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I actually prefer the style of the cover, but the inking is especially good to look at how characters and space are set apart and emphasized when using such a bright, wide-ranging palette.
