Monday, October 14, 2013

DC Superman Action Comics

    When I started reading comics again, I was getting more into the idea of maybe doing my own comics later on. But now after working on the comics in class, I have been getting discourage little by little. Mainly because I just feel like I'm doing horrible on the ones we are working on. Of course I shouldn't have expected to be great at it since I don't have any experience doing them; that and I still need a lot more work on my drawings. The inking process isn't going well for me. I'm still unsteady and sloppy with the brush pen for one. Though I know I still need practice with inking, I just know that inking is something that I am not interested in doing. As great as the artwork looks after it has been inked, I still prefer my drawings to be in pencil. For now anyway.

     As I was looking through one of the comics I have, I was paying more attention to the lines on the characters and objects. I never really ever payed close attention to it before, but I noticed the variations of thin and thick lines. Though they are not as noticeable, I really like how subtle the lines are drawn in certain areas, especially on the face to bring out the details a bit more. When I draw, I tend to have a bad habit of scribbling certain areas just because I just don't know how to do details and how they should look. 

     Another thing I also need to work on is shading. Even though I know which way the light is coming from, I still do horrible with shading certain areas, especially around the face. For example, the face in the second panel from the page above looks very well done to me. Though it may not be 100% correct (which I wouldn't know anyway), it looks great and I can read were the the two different light directions. Though of course color also is big help on that part, I can still imagine how it would be in black and white and would still be able to read it. 

    I realize now much more I need to learn, but not just because of Storyboard class. It also has to do with my other classes like Life Drawing and Computer Art. I see what others can do and I feel like I don't belong. But looking at these comics and seeing good animation shows make me want to better myself in drawing so that I can draw characters with ease. At this point all I want to do is better my drawing skills. I'm trying to just working with basics and also realize I may need to learn some anatomy. I use to hate looking at "How to draw" books and it showing to start off with lines and circles or whatever other shapes. I wish I hate started that way long time ago instead of jumping straight to the finished picture.



  1. Well, when feeling discouraged don't look at mainstream, superhero comics. Look at independent comics artists. You have to start where you are and can't expect to be hit by a meteor that suddenly makes you draw gorgeous, rippling muscles. Start simple and play to your strengths where they are now. If you feel your drawings look clunky (and they don't! this is a hypothetical!) then draw clunky- WELL! Since comics is a medium of writing and art maybe play to the writing some. Or since comics is open to so many styles- work within your style now and keep pushing! Comics is less about raw talent and more about grit.

    1. Thanks, Adam. I will. I feel like I have been getting better. Even if it is just a bit. I notice I am leaning towards more realist, but still want to continue doing simplistic cartoons
