Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Michael Turner's Fathom: Kiani

     I have been wondering what kind of drawing style I want to be doing and it's been hard to decide. I know I don't have to chose only one, but I prefer to stick to one style for now so that I can practice and hopefully get better. Then maybe I can draw other styles a bit more easily. I was looking at one of the comics I have and I really like the realist style. But the problem with that for me would be the attention needed on detail and I need to refrain from doing that just until I get better.

    I have really been into the more realist look all of a sudden. It might be because I am taking Life Drawing class and have been focusing on anatomy.  Though I still prefer cartoons, it would still be nice to draw some realism. So I have been also looking into Marvel and DC more than usual.

    I really like the attention to detail in this comic. I notice the hair is always well done in these types of comics and always looks appealing to me. When it comes to hair I like adding detail like this, but I almost always mess it up in some way. Either I add too many strands of hair and/or don't position some parts of the hair correctly. Also, the armor is nicely done. I've always liked how armor is done, especially with the details on it, but I actually have not attempted to draw armor yet. Not sure why. (maybe since I already know how difficult it may be for me). I will practice it eventually.

    I also want to work on drawing different angles like the bird and worms eye view. There is still a lot for me to learn and need to take it one step at a time. I tend to work on multiple things and it just messes me up and stresses me out. I'll get the hang of it eventually.

1 comment:

  1. I think these are really important things to consider, but superhero comics are far from realism. Although they have detail, they are always idealized, making forms more perfect than they are in life. For something more closely tied to life, I'd suggest checking out Love and Rockets or any other comics by Gilbert and/ or Jaime Hernandez. Really great drawing, nice inking and really good storytelling.
